Friday, November 18, 2011

This summer when I was raising money for my trip to New South Wales, I was supported by a number of generous donors via Kickstarter, who pledged specific amounts of cash in exchange for studies made in the field. Here are some of those--for the $100 donation tier--which will get mailed out next week. I really hope their recipients enjoy them, and that they feel their pledge was worth the investment.

If any of you folks are reading, thank you again for your help!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The reception on Saturday for Wish You Were Here was a lovely thing. It was Homecoming here at the college, so plenty of alumni stopped by, and I met students past and present, and saw lots of old friends.

One alum, Diane Smith (whose photos of the Ghost Town Arts Collective show I posted recently), documented the swirl of attendees (and some details of the work) and graciously passed the following images on to me. Thanks, Diane!